Interislander - Cook Strait Ferries

Discounts for students

Heading to university, home for the holidays, or taking a break with friends? Grab a special Interislander Cook Strait ferry student deal.

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Get across Cook Strait with our student fares

Being a student is one of the best times you'll ever have, but it can be financially challenging. Interislander's student fares will get you across the Cook Strait on a budget. 

You will need to show your valid Student ID card at Check-In. We do accept international Student Cards, providing they are photo ID and can be validated

How our student discounts work

To get your Interislander student discount, simply select 'Student' as your passenger type.

The booking system will automatically reduce the fare for all students on the booking, plus any vehicle on the booking - even if it's your parent's car and they are driving.

Best of all, student fares work in conjunction with our promotional codes. So you can get a student fare and a TOP 10 or Backpackers Network (BBH) ferry discount too.

Student look out at the view