Interislander - Cook Strait Ferries

Terms and Conditions

Read our Terms & Conditions of Carriage, Website, and Nautical Miles

Website Terms and Conditions

By using any KiwiRail (us or we) website(s) (the website(s)), you agree to be bound by these terms of use (terms). To learn how we manage your personal information to us please refer to our Privacy Notice.

We may update or revise these terms at any time, and you accept any such update or revision by continuing to use the website(s).

Last updated: November 2022

Unless otherwise stated, copyright and other intellectual property rights in all material published on the website(s) is owned or controlled by us or our licensors.

You may only use the materials or content on the website(s) for personal use, and you may not use, copy, reproduce, publish, store, modify, transmit in any form or by any means in whole or in part (except where such use is permitted by the terms of the Copyright Act 1994) any content or material on this website without our prior written consent.  If you wish to use our content for commercial purposes, please visit the KiwiRail brandsite here.

Nothing on the website(s) should be construed as granting any licence or right of use of any trade mark displayed without our express written permission.

We will not be liable for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the information appearing on the website(s). All information on the website(s) is provided “as is”. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, currency, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose. Your use of the website(s) is at your own risk.

We will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, losses, costs or expenses of any kind which arise out of, or result from, any use of, or inability to use, the website(s). Access to the website(s) may be interrupted, delayed, disrupted or restricted from time to time and we will not be liable for any loss should the website become unavailable or your access to the website(s) is interrupted or disrupted for any reason.

The website(s) may contain hyperlinks and other pointers to websites operated by third parties. These linked websites are not under our control and we are not responsible for the content of any linked website.

The website(s) and these terms shall be governed by and is to be interpreted in accordance with New Zealand law. You expressly agree that any claim or action arising out of or relating to these terms or your use of the website(s) will be resolved by the New Zealand courts.

Interislander Conditions of Carriage

These are our full Conditions of Carriage for Interislander:

Last updated: 6 April 2023

Download a copy of our Conditions of Carriage

1.1   KiwiRail Limited, trading as Great Journeys New Zealand and the Interislander (“us” or “we”), operates the Services. These Conditions of Carriage apply to all passenger travel and/or carriage of passenger’s private vehicles with us on our Services, except as expressly provided on a Ticket, or where such travel relates to the carriage of freight or commercial vehicles.  For terms and conditions relating to the carriage of freight and/or commercial vehicles, please refer to the rail freight website or the Interislander freight website.

1.2    Zero Harm:  Your safety is our priority.  We strive to achieve zero harm across all our Services.  When travelling on any of our Services, it is imperative in the interest of yours and others’ safety that you follow all instructions of our staff or crew and that your behaviour does not cause risk or discomfort to any other person.   

2.1             Definitions

In these Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires:

Actual Carrier” has the meaning given to that phrase in section 246 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017.

"Authorised Agent" means a sales agent who has been engaged by us from time to time to sell Tickets on our Services.

"Baggage" means your articles, effects and other personal property accompanying you on your journey.  Unless otherwise specified, it includes both your Checked Baggage and Hand Baggage.

"Checked Baggage" has the meaning given to that phrase in section 246 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017.

Check In Time” means the time prior to departure of the scheduled Service by when a passenger must have presented their Ticket and Baggage for travel with us.

"Conditions" means these Conditions of Carriage, as amended from time to time.

"Dangerous Goods" means any substances or goods that we consider dangerous or hazardous and includes hazardous substances (as that phrase is defined in the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996) and all substances and goods designated as Dangerous Goods in any schedule issued by us from time to time, as set out on our website.

"Fare Conditions" means the transfer, refund and reissue conditions applicable to a Ticket, as set out on our website.

“Gang Insignia”  means:

(a)  a sign, symbol, or representation commonly displayed to denote membership of, an affiliation with, or support for a gang, not being a tattoo; and

(b)  includes any item of clothing (including but not limited to patches, jackets, jerseys, hoodies, T-shirts, singlets, hats, motorcycle leathers) to which a sign, symbol, or representation referred to in paragraph (a) is attached.

"GJNZ Scenic Train Services" means the Great Journeys New Zealand scenic train passenger services we operate, including the Coastal Pacific, Northern Explorer and TranzAlpine, and any other service provided by us relating to or incidental to those services, including any replacement service provided by us or any Actual Carrier.

"Hand Baggage" has the meaning given to that phrase in section 246 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017.

"Interislander Services" means the Interislander ferry passenger service we operate and any other service provided by us relating to or incidental to those services, including any replacement service provided by us or any Actual Carrier.

Law” means all statutes, regulations, rules, bylaws, ordinances, orders, and all other requirements or conditions, that apply to the issue of a Ticket, our provision of a Service, or your travel on any Service under these Conditions.

Loyalty Scheme" means any loyalty scheme offered by or on behalf of KiwiRail Limited from time to time and specified on The Great Journeys of New Zealand website.

"Passenger" means any person, except a member of the crew, carried or to be carried on any of our Services pursuant to a Ticket. (See also definition of “you” or “your”.)

"Property" has the meaning given to "goods" in section 246 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 and, for the avoidance of doubt, includes any vehicles and Baggage.

"Services" means the Interislander Services and the GJNZ Scenic Train Services we operate.

"Ticket" includes any valid ticket, document, booking confirmation, voucher, pass, booking number, or any electronic record of the same, issued by us or any of our Authorised Agents, which entitles the named person(s) to be carried on a Service and, where applicable, includes any conditions of carriage or contract, notices or passenger or customer information contained in, referred to or relating to that Ticket.

"You" or "your" means any person, except members of our staff or crew, carried, or to be carried on any of our Services pursuant to a Ticket (see also definition of “Passenger”).

2.2             Interpretation

(a)             Headings contained in these Conditions are for reference purposes only.

(b)             Words in the singular include the plural (and vice versa).

(c)              "Including" and similar words do not imply any limitation.

(d)             References to clauses are to clauses in these Conditions.

2.3            Governing law

These Conditions are governed by New Zealand law.  New Zealand courts have non-exclusive jurisdiction. 

3.1  You can purchase a Ticket for any of the Services online, or through any of our Authorised Agents.

3.2  We offer a range of fares across our Services.  Fares and Fare Conditions are as set out on our website and may change from time to time.  Fare Conditions for a Ticket may be set out on the Ticket.  See REFUNDS AND REISSUES below for more information.

3.3  We will need to collect some personal information from you about you and other Passengers travelling to complete the booking.  We are committed to protecting the privacy of our Passengers and will not ask for information we do not need.  We will collect, use and retain personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

3.4  Once you have finalised your purchase, you will receive a Ticket.  Any person named on the Ticket is entitled to passage on the Service named on the Ticket, provided the person complies with these Conditions.

3.5  Tickets are not transferable to another person.

4.1 From time to time, we may offer a Loyalty Scheme entitling members to privileged or concessionary benefits.  To obtain the benefits of membership, you will be required to provide proof of your membership.  The terms of conditions of the Loyalty Scheme will be set out on our website.

5.1   Refunds or Ticket reissues will be made in accordance with Fare Conditions, the provisions of this clause 5 where applicable, or as otherwise published by us from time to time.

5.2   We may from time to time need to cancel a Service, and we will let you know. If you purchased your Ticket through an Authorised Agent, the terms and conditions you entered into with that Authorised Agent will apply in respect of any refund. 

5.3    If we, in good faith, refund or reissue a Ticket to someone who holds themselves out as being entitled to a refund or reissue, we are discharged from any further liability in relation to the Ticket to refund or reissue to any other person subject to any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

6.1  We do not guarantee our schedules, departure times, or the duration of journeys.  These are all subject to change and may be affected by weather conditions, staff or crew shortages, orders of a regulator and other factors outside of our reasonable control.

6.2  Subject to any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, we are not liable to you or anyone else for loss suffered as a result of any Service’s late or early departure or arrival, or the cancellation or replacement of any scheduled Service.  See OUR LIABILITY TO YOU below for more information.

7.1    You must arrive at the terminal or station for check in no later than the Check in Time.  If you do not report for check in by the Check In Time, you may be denied passage on the Service (in which case any refund or reissue of a Ticket is at our discretion).

7.2    You must provide your booking number when checking in.  We may also ask you to present your Ticket and suitable photo ID.

7.3    We may reassess at check-in the classification of a passenger type (child, infant, senior or tertiary student) or eligibility for privileged or concessionary benefits (membership). An increase in fare will be required where suitable photo ID or proof cannot be provided.

7.4    Children (under 15 years of age) must be accompanied by an adult.

7.5    We may issue you a boarding pass when you complete check in, in which case you must present this boarding pass when boarding the Service you are travelling on.

7.6    You must comply with these Conditions and the Law and follow all instructions of our staff or crew when checking-in, boarding and disembarking, and while on board, the Service you are travelling on.

8.1  We will carry your Baggage at our absolute discretion, and may refuse to carry any Baggage, including where you are carrying Dangerous Goods and have not complied with the requirements of the DANGEROUS GOODS CONDITIONS below.

8.2  Details of the maximum Checked Baggage and Hand Baggage allowance per Passenger on your Service is set out on our website.  We reserve the right to refuse to carry any Baggage that exceeds this allowance.

8.3  Oversize or overweight Baggage may, at our discretion, be carried at an additional charge.  Charges for oversize or overweight Baggage applicable to the Service you are travelling on will be set out on our Baggage Allowance webpage.

8.4  Your Baggage must be fit for carriage.  If your Baggage is not fit for carriage in our reasonable opinion when you are checking in or boarding, we may refuse to carry it.

8.5   We may inspect your Property (including any Baggage) for reasons of health, safety and security, including to check whether your Property contains Dangerous Goods or any arms or munitions, and whether you have complied with these Conditions and any applicable Law.

8.6   All Gang Insignia must be stowed inside Checked Baggage and / or Hand Baggage from the time of entering our premises (including any terminal or station, train or vessel) until the time you depart from our premises at your destination yard.  Gang Insignia are not to be worn, displayed, hung over chairs or left on tables on our premises (including in any terminals, stations, trains or vessels).

8.7    Unclaimed Property:

(a)    If any Hand Baggage or other Property is not removed, or any Checked Baggage is not collected from a Service at its destination within a reasonable time, we may land or store that unclaimed Property at the Passenger’s and owner’s risk and at the Passenger’s expense.

(b)    After a reasonable period of time we may, to the extent and in the manner permitted by the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017, sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of the unclaimed Property.

Travelling with bicycles, e-Cycles and e-Scooters

9.1    Carriage of bicycles, e-Cycles and e-Scooters on our Services is at our discretion and subject to our booking procedures, including the terms of clause 9.2.
Damaged e-Cycles and e-Scooters will not be carried.

9.2    If you are travelling with a bicycle, e-Cycle or e-Scooter you must follow all instructions from us, including the instructions of our staff or crew during check-in. If you do not do so we may be unable to carry your bicycle, e-Cycle or e-Scooter on board.
Travelling with vehicles on Interislander Services only

9.3   Carriage of vehicles on an Interislander Service is at our discretion.  We may refuse carriage if we consider a vehicle to be insecurely loaded, or otherwise in our opinion unsuitable or unsafe for carriage.

9.4   When you check in, we may reassess the classification (type, width, length or weight) of any vehicle, and changes may be made to the fare charged.  We will act reasonably in making such a reassessment.  Any increase in fare must be paid before the vehicle is loaded onto the ship.

9.5   You must follow all our instructions in relation to boarding, parking, securing and disembarkation of vehicles, including all motorcycles.  You must also comply with any applicable DANGEROUS GOODS CONDITIONS below. 

9.6   It is your responsibility to drive your vehicle on and off the ship.  However, in an emergency, we may drive your vehicle (for which there may be a charge). 

9.7   All vehicles must have the parking brake applied and be left in park while on board the ship.  Alarms must be turned off for the duration of the journey.  You must always lock your vehicle and keep the keys with you while on board the ship.

9.8   We may drive, tow, or load a vehicle onto, or remove a vehicle from, a ship where we believe this is necessary to protect any persons, or the property of us or any person, or to ensure efficient loading of the ship.

9.9    We will only carry trailers and caravans that are towed by another vehicle.  All trailers and caravans must remain coupled to the towing vehicle when parked.

9.10  Every vehicle carried on the ship on its own wheels must display a current registration licence issued under the Land Transport Act 1998.

9.11  You must not stay with your vehicle while the ship is sailing.  Once you have parked and secured your vehicle, you must move to the Passenger accommodation area of the ship.

9.12  All Gang Insignia must be stowed inside your vehicle from the time of entering our premises (including when entering our terminal yard or vessel) until the time you depart from our premises (including the vessel and the terminal yard) at your destination.  Gang Insignia are not to be worn, displayed, hung over chairs or left on tables on our premises (including in any terminal yards, terminals or vessels).

9.13   We may inspect your vehicle, or any other Property for reasons of health, safety and security and to check whether you have complied with all relevant conditions relating to that vehicle or Property.

Assistance dogs

10.1  You must let us know if you will be travelling with a registered assistance dog when you make your booking.

10.2  You may travel with your registered assistance dog on any of our Services, subject to our reasonable requirements.  Assistance dogs in training and their trainers may also travel on the Services.

Other animals on Interislander services only 

10.3   Other dogs, cats, and small domestic pets ("animals") may not be carried on any Service other than on an Interislander Service and at our discretion.  While acting in good faith, we may refuse to carry any animal at our discretion, including where we believe them to be sick, wild, unmanageable or fierce.

10.4   You must make prior arrangements with us if you wish to carry an animal.

10.5   Animals must be left securely in a sufficiently ventilated vehicle throughout the journey, unless otherwise arranged with us in accordance with clause 10.6.

10.6   Kennels may be available for hire and must be booked in advance.

10.7   You must not visit your animal during the sailing.

10.8   We will comply with our Animal Welfare Policy but we otherwise accept no responsibility for any injury, sickness or death suffered by the animal as a result of carriage or any failure to carry any animal (whether through the exercise of our discretion or otherwise).

10.9   It is your responsibility to ensure that your animal is well fed, watered and exercised prior to boarding.

11.1  Dangerous Goods may not be carried on any of the Services except as set out in this clause 11.
11.2  Carriage of Dangerous Goods may be permitted on an Interislander Service only, and at our discretion.  If we accept your Dangerous Goods for carriage, you must comply with this clause 11.

11.3   You may not carry Dangerous Goods on board a Service as Hand Baggage.  Dangerous Goods must either be stored securely in a vehicle or carried as Checked Baggage.

11.4   You must make prior arrangements with us for the carriage of Dangerous Goods where we have specified this requirement in our Dangerous Goods Guidelines.  Please check with us if you have any doubts about the Dangerous Goods you are carrying.

11.5   You must provide us with any declaration requested by us or required by Law in relation to the Dangerous Goods.

11.6   You must pack, label and load the Dangerous Goods in accordance with our Dangerous Goods Guidelines, any Law applicable to the carriage of Dangerous Goods and any applicable code of practice.

11.7   You must mark or label each receptacle or container containing Dangerous Goods or document relating to Dangerous Goods with the correct technical name of the Dangerous Goods and identify each receptacle or container with a distinctive label or stencil which makes its dangerous nature obvious.

11.8   You must ensure that Dangerous Goods and documents relating to their carriage comply with the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996, the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations, International Maritime Hazardous Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG) (which is contained within the International Maritime Organisation Regulations) and any other applicable Law.  Further information is available on our Interislander freight website.

11.9    If you breach the terms of this clause 11 and we suffer any loss as a result of such breach, we may hold you responsible for the full extent of our loss.

Firearms or ammunitions on Interislander Services

12.1  Firearms or ammunitions may be carried on an Interislander Service at our discretion, and subject to the conditions of this clause.

12.2  You must make prior arrangements with us at the booking stage if you intend to carry firearms and / or ammunition, to allow time for our due diligence, and ensure your compliance with the Firearms Safety Code 2022 (refer to Firearms Safety Code 2022). If we accept your firearms or ammunitions for carriage on an Interislander Service, we will take custody of them until arrival at the Interislander Service’s destination. 

12.3  We will accept firearms on an Interislander Service under the following conditions:

(a)    Declared at time of booking.
(b)    Is in your Checked Baggage.
(c)    Packed in a locked, hard case.
(d)    Unloaded and any fitted magazines emptied.
(e)    Rendered inoperable e.g. bolt removed, trigger guard(s)/trigger lock(s) fitted etc.
(f)     Not packed with any ammunition.
(g)    Not packed with the bolt (if applicable).
(h)    Is made physically available for a Customer Service Representative to inspect and verify against the booking confirmation.

12.4  We will accept ammunition on an Interislander Service under the following conditions:

(a)    Is in a container that separates each round (securely packed) e.g. not touching each other. 
(b)    Does not weight more than 5kg, including the weight of the container.
(c)    Is in your Checked Baggage.
(d)    Is not packed in the same case as your firearm.
(e)    Is declared to a Customer Service Representative when you check-in.

Firearms or ammunitions on GJNZ Scenic Train Services

12.5  Firearms, ammunitions and weapons are not permitted on GJNZ Rail Services. You may not carry any firearms, ammunitions and weapons on board or in your Baggage (including in any Checked Luggage or Hand Baggage) on any GJNZ Rail Service.

13.1  You must not smoke anywhere on board our Services except in designated smoking areas on an Interislander Service.

13.2  You must not bring your own alcohol on board our Services. If you are transporting any alcohol it must be carried in your Checked Baggage, or in the case of travel on the Interislander, your vehicle.

14.1  The health and safety of our Passengers, staff, crew and members of the public is our top priority. We have the right to refuse to carry you or your Property on any of our Services (including the right to stop providing the Services, cancel a Ticket or terminate your journey early) where it is reasonably necessary for the safety or comfort of other Passengers, staff or crew, or members of the public, or where you have breached these Conditions or any Law.

14.2  There are many reasons why we could refuse to carry you or your Property, stop providing the Services, cancel a Ticket, or terminate your journey early, including:

(a)     Carrying the Passenger or their Baggage may put the train or vessel or another person(s) at risk.
(b)     The Passenger is causing offence or discomfort to others.
(c)     The Passenger's behaviour causes or involves risk to themselves or others.
(d)     The Passenger refuses to obey instructions of our staff or crew.
(e)     The Passenger has not paid the applicable fares for any of their current or previous travel.
(f)      We reasonably suspect or know that the Passenger has broken the Law.
(g)     We reasonably suspect or know that the Passenger is likely to break the Law.
(h)     The Passenger has behaved unacceptably or been refused service in the past, and we believe they will do it again.
(i)      The Passenger will not wear a face mask in accordance with our policy and cannot provide a valid face mask exemption if requested by us.
(j)      The Passenger is wearing or displaying Gang Insignia and refuses to remove them or stow them in their vehicle or Baggage.
(k)     The Passenger needs assistance we cannot provide, due to their conduct, age, mental or physical state.
(l)      The Passenger needs extra assistance due to impairment from alcohol, drugs, or prescribed medications.
(m)    The Passenger has breached any of the Conditions in these Conditions of Carriage.

14.3   Subject to any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, the only recourse of a person refused carriage, for any reason, is the recovery of the value of the unused portion of the Ticket, at our reasonable discretion.


15.1    Nothing in this clause 15 affects any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993.

15.2    If you are in trade (as defined by the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 or the Fair Trading Act 1986 as applicable) and are acquiring our Services in trade, to the extent permitted by law, you agree that the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 do not apply to the supply of those Services or in relation to these Conditions.

Limitation of liability for goods

15.3    We are not liable to you in respect of a unit of goods for any amount in excess of actual loss.  We are not liable for any such actual loss in excess of the sum provided in section 259 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017.

15.4   Our liability to you is further limited, or excluded, where you have not complied with any of these Conditions, including where you (with or without our knowledge):

(a)    fail to lock a vehicle, or fail to remove, tie down, or secure loose equipment or Property on a vehicle;

(b)    fail to do all the things that a prudent owner of a vehicle or other Property would do to that vehicle or Property to minimise the risk of loss of, or damage to, or theft of, that vehicle or Property;

(c)    include in your Property fragile or perishable articles, money, jewellery, silverware, negotiable papers, securities or other valuables, passports, or other identification papers; or

(d)   fail to keep your Hand Baggage secure or fail to remove your Hand Baggage from the Service.

No liability for indirect or consequential loss

15.5  Subject to any rights you may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, we are not liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage arising out of or in respect of any of our Services.  Any liability specified in section 259(3)(b) and (c) of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 is specifically excluded, whether in respect of the carriage of a Passenger, Property, or otherwise.  Without limiting the above, we are not liable for indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from –

(a)  in relation to an Interislander Service, unseaworthiness of a ship (whether the condition exists before or arises during carriage);

(b)  delay in delivery of any Passenger or Property for any reason;

(c)  damage to Property from leakage, explosion, stains, soot or the effects of climate or the elements; or

(d)  damage to Property of any Passenger where such damage arises out of the actions or omissions of any other Passenger.

Contributory negligence

15.6  If there is contributory negligence on the part of the Passenger, our liability is subject to the law relating to contributory negligence.

No liability for personal injury

You use our Services at your own risk.  We are not liable to Passengers in relation to the use or provision of a Service for any personal injury as defined in the Accident Compensation Act 2001, including death, physical injuries or mental injuries.

Delays, deviations, cancellations and changes

15.7   All timetables, schedules or other representations regarding the departure and arrival times of our Services are an indication only and do not bind us, and are subject to change without notice.  We:

(a)   will use all reasonable efforts to carry a Passenger and Property in accordance with that Passenger’s Ticket and on time, but the time of departure or arrival of any Service is at our discretion and will depend upon the operating situation.  We do not assume responsibility for a Passenger and/or Property making connections for other travel arrangements, or for meeting any appointment, engagement, deadline or any other obligation;

(b)   are not liable for any loss or damage caused by failure or delay to take aboard or land a Passenger or Property as a result of bad weather, industrial disruption, mechanical failure, any action taken with the intention of preserving the safety of any Passenger or Property (including any action under clause 14) and any circumstances or other cause not reasonably foreseeable by us or beyond our reasonable control.

Securing devices

15.7   To reduce the likelihood of loss or damage during a journey, we may use securing devices to stabilise or secure any Property. 

15.8   We are not liable for any loss or damage to any Property, if that loss or damage is caused by the chafing or moving of securing devices attached to prevent loss or damage.

15.9   In attaching or fitting securing devices, we are not required to take into account the special requirements of any Property.  Any special requirements will only be catered for at our absolute discretion and by prior arrangement.

Compliance with laws

15.10  You must comply with all Law applicable to any of our Services.  We are not liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with any such Law or from what we reasonably believe is necessary to comply with any such Law.

Errors, omissions and representations

15.11   To the extent permitted by law, we are not liable for errors or omissions in publications of schedules or in statement, or representations made by any of our employees, agents or representatives in respect of any of our Services.

15.12   None of our agents, employees or representatives has the authority to give undertakings or make representations in relation to the provision or timing of any of our Services that are inconsistent with these Conditions.  Any such undertakings or representations will not bind us, except where we provide our prior confirmation in writing.

Extension of exclusion or limitation to agents, etc

15.13   To the extent permitted by law, any exclusion or limitation of our liability applies to and for the benefit of our employees, agents, representatives and contractors and to any Actual Carrier and to the Actual Carrier’s employees, agents and representatives. The aggregate amount recoverable from us, the Actual Carrier and their employees, agents and representatives will not exceed the maximum amount of our liability.   

Notice of claim

15.14    Notice of any claim against us in respect of the loss of or damage to Property carried on our Services must be given to us in writing within 30 days after the date on which our responsibility for that Property has ended and in accordance with sections 274 to 277 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017.

Nautical Miles: Membership Terms and Conditions

These are the additional Terms & Conditions for the Nautical Miles Loyalty Programme.

Last updated: November 2022

1.1 Nautical Miles is the Interislander loyalty programme that provides Members with rewards and benefits according to Membership tier.

2.1 Membership tiers comprise Gold Membership, Silver Membership and Bronze Membership. 

3.1 Nautical Dollars

(a) Members earn Nautical Dollars on every Interislander booking they make.  The number of Nautical Dollars the Member earns per $1 spent varies according to Membership tier.

(b) Nautical Dollars can be used towards, or used in full, for any future Interislander booking. Nautical Dollars will be credited to Member’s account within 24 hours of travel. Nautical Dollars balances can be viewed in the Member portal ‘The Porthole’.

(i) Gold Membership – Nautical Dollars earn rate Gold Members will earn 2 Nautical Dollars for every $10 spent.

(ii) Silver Membership – Nautical Dollars earn rate Silver Members will earn 1 Nautical Dollar for every $10 spent.

(iii) Bronze Membership – Nautical Dollars earn rate Members will earn 1 Nautical Dollar for every $10 spent.

(iv) Redeem only.  No Nautical Dollars can be earnt in this tier.

(c) To earn Nautical Dollars or redeem Rewards, Members may be asked to produce the Membership card in addition to identification at check-in, and at any other time.

(d) Nautical Dollars and Rewards have no cash or monetary value.

3.2 Priority Boarding and disembarking – Vehicles

Nautical Miles Gold and Silver Members are offered priority boarding and priority disembarking for the Interislander ferries, subject to loading requirements.

3.3 Interislander Premium Lounge voucher 

(a) Gold and Silver Members receive a Premium Lounge voucher with their Membership as follows:

(i) Gold Members receive 2 Premium Lounge vouchers. 

(ii) Silver Members receive 1 Premium Lounge voucher.

(b) The vouchers will be sent to Members in their Membership pack.

(c) To redeem a Premium Lounge voucher, it must be presented by the Member at the Premium Lounge when making a booking. Premium Lounge vouchers cannot be booked in advance, only on the ship at the time of travel.

(d)  A voucher is valid for the Membership period and may only be used once.

3.4 Interislander Queen Charlotte Lounge Voucher

(a) Gold and Silver Members will receive Queen Charlotte Lounge vouchers when they join the programme (Kaitaki Only) as follows:

(i) Gold Members will receive 2 Queen Charlotte Lounge vouchers.

(ii) Silver Members will receive 1 Queen Charlotte Lounge voucher.

(b) Voucher must be presented to the reception desk on Kaitaki to receive access to the Queen Charlotte Lounge. 

(c) The member will also receive a $15 voucher for onboard spend in combination with the Queen Charlotte Lounge voucher.

(d) A voucher is valid for the Membership period and may only be used once.

3.5 Coffee Vouchers 

(a) Gold and Silver Members will receive coffee vouchers when they join the programme as part of their Membership as follows:

(i) Gold Members will receive 5 coffee vouchers.

(ii) Silver Members will receive 3 coffee vouchers.

(b) A voucher may be redeemed by providing to the café or restaurant staff.

(c) A voucher is valid for the Membership period and may only be used once.

3.6 Priority luggage - Foot passenger only

(a) Gold and Silver Members are entitled to the following priority luggage:

(i) Gold and Silver Members are entitled to three pieces of check-in luggage instead of two when travelling on foot.

(ii) Luggage does not include NON personal items.

3.7 Premium Lounge discounts

(a) Additional discounts are offered to Gold and Silver Members as follows:

(i) Gold Members are permitted to purchase additional Premium Lounge passes at a 50% discount.

(ii) Silver Members are permitted to purchase additional Premium Lounge passes at a 25% discount.

(b) Discount applies for all travellers accompanying the Member on the same booking.

(c) Only the person booking can use their Membership.

3.8 Member discounts on the Scenic Rail services

(a) Gold Members are entitled to receive the following discounts on Scenic Rail services:

(i) 15% discount on all scenic class fares for TranzAlpine, Coastal Pacific and Northern Explorer.

3.9 Membership joining bonus

(a) Gold and Silver Members are entitled to receive a Nautical Dollars joining bonus as follows:

(i) Gold Members will receive 10 Nautical Dollars when they sign up to Nautical Miles.

(ii) Silver Members will receive 5 Nautical Dollars when they sign up to Nautical Miles.

3.10 Membership anniversary bonus

(a) Gold and Silver Members are entitled to receive a Nautical Dollars anniversary bonus as follows: 

(i) Gold Members will receive 10 Nautical Dollars anniversary bonus if they continue their Gold Membership for another year after their initial 12-month Membership expires.

(ii) Silver Members will receive 5 Nautical Dollars anniversary bonus if they continue their Silver Membership for another year after their initial 12-month Membership expires.

3.11 Membership gift

(a) Gold Members will be entitled to receive a Nautical Miles IdealCup when they join Nautical Miles.

(b) To redeem for 1 Nautical Miles IdealCup, Gold Members will receive a voucher to redeem on board any Interislander Premium Lounge.

4.1 Application for Membership is open to persons over 18 years of age who have a New Zealand residential address.

4.2 Membership, Nautical Dollars and Rewards are offered at the discretion of Interislander and Interislander has the right to accept or reject any application for Membership without giving reasons.

4.3 Membership, Nautical Dollars and Rewards are personal to the Member and are not transferable or refundable.

4.4 If a Membership is not renewed, Nautical Dollars may still be redeemed for travel up 6 months but other Rewards will cease at the expiration of Membership.

4.5 Membership is valid for 12 months.

4.6 It is the Member’s responsibility to keep the personal contact details held by Nautical Miles about the Member up to date to ensure that we can communicate with you about Nautical Miles and your Nautical Dollars and Reward status.

4.7 The Member may terminate Membership at any time for any reason by contacting Nautical Miles: On termination, the Member’s account and any existing Nautical Dollars and Rewards will be terminated, deleted or extinguished.

5.1 Nautical Miles may charge Membership fees according to Membership tier, and Membership is valid for 12 months from the joining date.

(a) Gold Membership - $125.00.

(b) Silver Membership - $75.00.

(c) Bronze Membership - Free.

5.2 Membership fees may be changed by Nautical Miles from time to time.

6.1 Gold Membership

(a) Gold Members may only convert to Silver Membership on the Membership Anniversary.

(b) Gold Members will automatically become Bronze members if Membership is not renewed to either Gold or Silver on the Membership Anniversary. Upon conversion to Bronze Membership, any unused Nautical Dollars will expire 12 months after date converted and any Nautical Dollars earned subsequently whist in Bronze will expire 12 months after the date earned.

(c) Nautical Dollars do not expire whilst a Member retains Gold or Silver Membership.

6.2 Silver Membership

(a) Silver Members may only convert to Bronze Membership on the Membership Anniversary. 

(b) Silver Members will automatically become Bronze members if Membership is not renewed to either Gold or Silver on the Membership Anniversary.   Upon conversion to Bronze Membership, any unused Nautical Dollars will expire 12 months after date. converted and any Nautical Dollars earned subsequently whist in Bronze will expire 12 months after the date earned.

(c) Nautical Dollars do not expire whilst a Member retains Gold or Silver Membership.

6.3 Bronze Membership

(a) During Bronze Membership, any unused Nautical Dollars will expire 12 months after the date earned.

(b) If Bronze Membership is not renewed on the Membership Anniversary, the Membership will be converted to “redeem only” and any Nautical Dollars on the Member’s account will expire on the earlier to occur of 12 months after Nautical Dollars earned or  6 months from the date of conversion to “redeem only status”.

6.4 Redeem only

(a) Once a Member’s account is redeem only, if Membership is not renewed within 6 months from the change to Membership, unused Nautical Dollars will be deleted, and the Membership closed.  

(b) If Membership is renewed to Bronze within 6 months, the Membership Anniversary will be re-set and Nautical Dollars will expire 12 months after the date earned.

(c) If Membership is renewed to Silver within 6 months, the Membership Anniversary will be re-set and unused Nautical Dollars will not expire.

(d) If Membership is renewed to Gold within 6 months the Membership Anniversary will be re-set res-et and unused Nautical Dollars will not expire.

7.1 Respecting your personal information is important to us. The Interislander Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) forms part of these Conditions. The Privacy Policy sets out what personal information we collect, how we use it, to whom we may disclose it and what your privacy choices are.

7.2 In addition to the terms of the Privacy Policy, by becoming a Member you acknowledge and agree that personal information  we collect or generate may be used and disclosed to our service providers for the purposes of administering your account, communicating with you about the terms of your Membership and for promoting our services and for managing and administering Nautical Miles more generally.  

8.1 Interislander reserves the right to make changes to these Conditions, at any time, without notice, at its sole discretion. Interislander shall attempt to advise Members of any changes but shall not be liable for any failure to do so.  Changes may include without limitation those relating to including:

(a) Nautical Dollars and other Rewards

(b) Nautical Dollars earn rates

(c) Blackout Periods

(d) Continued existence and expiry of Rewards

(e) Ticketing procedures

9.1 Interislander expressly reserves the right to terminate or materially alter Nautical Miles at any time, without notice.

9.2 Interislander shall not be liable for any Member’s accumulated Nautical Dollars or other Rewards. In the event of termination or other material alteration to Nautical Miles, Nautical Dollars and other Rewards may also be terminated, deleted or extinguished.

9.3 Interislander gives no warranty as to the continuing availability of Nautical Dollars, or any other Reward.

10.1 Any failure to comply with the General Conditions of Carriage or these Conditions may at Interislander’s sole discretion result in termination of Membership and/or cancellation of Nautical Dollars and other Rewards.

(a) Failure to comply may include, but is not limited to:

(i) Anyone else using your Nautical Miles Rewards and benefits other than the Member.

(ii) Abusive, offensive, or threatening behavior toward any Interislander staff or passenger by a Member or persons travelling with a Member.

(iii) Providing or attempting to provide false or misleading information on your Membership application or to Interislander staff.

(b) On termination, the Members account and any existing Nautical Dollars and Rewards will be terminated, deleted or extinguished.

11.1 Interislander has made reasonable endeavours to ensure the information provided in Nautical Miles publications is correct at the time of publication. However, to the extent permitted by law, Interislander excludes responsibility for errors or inadvertent miscommunication, or information becoming out of date after publication.  Members should confirm details at the time of booking to ensure still correct.

11.2 Interislander is a registered trademark of KiwiRail Limited.

“Blackout period” means any period during which Interislander (at its sole discretion) determines that certain Rewards will not be available.

“Conditions” means these terms and conditions of Membership, as may be amended by Interislander from time to time.

“Conditions of Carriage” means the conditions from time to time designated by the Interislander as applying to its services as published on its website.

“Interislander” means KiwiRail Limited trading as “Interislander”.

“Member” means a Member of Nautical Miles and “Membership” has a corresponding meaning.

“Membership Anniversary” means the first anniversary of the Member joining Nautical Miles and each subsequent anniversary thereafter.

“Membership Card” means the means of identification of Members adopted by Interislander (whether by card or otherwise).

“Nautical Dollars” means the points earned by a Member by traveling with Interislander, and which may, at the sole discretion of Interislander, be used to redeem travel services with Interislander.

“Nautical Miles” means the frequent traveller rewards loyalty programme marketed by Interislander.

“Rewards” means any rewards, including Nautical Dollars, which Members may receive, as a result of Membership.