Interislander - Cook Strait Ferries


XRACE is a fun-fulled family event - where mum or dad must team together with one of the kids and take on the XRACE course and 10 mystery challenges. 

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XRACE - more than just a race, and we're keeping up with the pace!

XRACE is like the Amazing Race for families. Teams are made up of a parent or caregiver alongside a child aged 6 to 14. XRACE is a physical challenge but not a running race. There are mental challenges and tests of agility but it is achievable to all! It's open to families of all abilities to compete. 

We at Interislander have been proudly supporting the XRACE team since 2013. Like XRACE, we share the same strong family values. We're all about helping New Zealand families stay connected, and every strand of XRACE's DNA is about family. 

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XRACE Values

XRACE is more than just a race. Our series has one goal, to strengthen families and challenge kids - so their self-esteem skyrockets and mum and dad get to shine in the moment. We want to help build more resilient kids and empower children with disabilities - embracing and challenging everyone - encouraging competition and sportmanship. And, more importantly, an XRACE participant can never use a screen!